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Parts & accessories

Parts & accessories is the official importer of Tribest, Angel and Byzoo products. therefore offers many parts and accessories that make the use of your slowjuicer or other devices complete. Please contact us for more information.

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Kuvings Lid compatible with the Revo830

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Kuvings Clamp Fiber compatible with the Revo830

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Kuvings Cover Fiber compatible with the Revo830

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Kuvings Seal Rubber compatible with the Revo830

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Conversion kit for your SoloStar, to add a manual operation option.

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The Latching Arm T-Bar is the metal bar that attaches onto the Latching Arm T-Bar Bracket. Compatible with Green Star and the discontinued Green Life GL-2000 model juice extractors.

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Sedona Paraflex drying sheets (BPA-free) are coated with a Teflon non-stick coating for use with sticky food. Place the sheet on the open tray and place the ingredients on the foil.

Fruit leather, crackers and cookies, the reusable Teflon dryin

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Gebruik de S-Blade koppeling om te mengen in glazen potten die makkelijk af te sluiten zijn. Te gebruiken voor de Personal Blender en Yolife. Maal kruiden, koffiebonen, babyvoeding en meer meteen in glazen potjes om direct af te sluiten en op te bergen.