Parts & accessories is the official importer of Tribest, Angel and Byzoo products. therefore offers many parts and accessories that make the use of your slowjuicer or other devices complete. Please contact us for more information.
Green Star Elite Juicer wormwielen Set. Deze wormwielen zijn te gebruiken met de Green Star Elite juicer.
The coarse strainer for vertical Huroms, to squeeze juice with more pulp.
De Green Star Plastic Stamper is geschikt voor Greenstar Classic (GS1000, GS2000, GS3000) en de Green Star Elite Juicer (GS-Elite).
Screen Locking cap for Z-star and Solostar juicers.
Paraflexx drying sheets are suitable for the Excalibur dehydrator. Paraflexx drying sheets for the Excalibur dehydrator are available for the Excalibur 4 Trays 4400T (mini), 5 Trays 4526T and 9 Trays 4926T.